doTERRA Thailand January 2022 Promotions
一、50/50- Enrollment Promotion
Enroll a new member with a minimum 100 PV enrlllment order between Jan 1- Feb 28,2022 and BOTH you and the new member will receive 50 product points!
二、LRP 125PV Free Product of The Month每月一物-每帳戶限得領1份:1/15前doTERRA Thailand多特瑞泰國會員完成「Loyalty Rewards Program忠誠顧客獎勵計畫」單筆訂單達125PV (含以上) 並成功出貨,即可獲贈每月一物:doTERRA Rosemary迷迭香精油15ml。
Receive the Free product of the month by placing an LRP order of 125 PV or more between 1-15 January 2022.(*Limited to 1 per account)
三、Save 10% In January (Save 10% OFF)-10%優惠(九折優惠/九折主打)- Patchouli印尼廣藿香精油15ml。
四、Free Frankincense-200 PV Promotion extend 15 days (YOU BUY,YOU GET)
Place a 200 PV order between 1-15 January and get a free Frankincense! (*Limited to 4 per account)
五、LTO Promotion- Madagascar Vanilla馬達加斯加香草精油5ml限量發售。
六、Free Shipping-2022年1月購滿泰銖THB฿3000以上免運費。
七、New Arrival in January新品上市:Marjoram埃及馬鬱蘭精油15ml、Spearmint綠薄荷精油15ml、TerraEssential天然防護精油15ml。
dōTERRA Thailand多特瑞泰國市場線上註冊加入會員傳送門(Enroll today)-Enroller ID介紹人號碼、Sponsor ID保薦人號碼請填1113775
2022.01.10 Double team澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓彙整
If you want to know more or add to my doterra global international team, please content with me!
If you are not a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate or Whosale customer, and want to join,please contact (Join as a new Wellness Advocate)
how to become doterra member如何成為doTERRA多特瑞會員或經銷商(doTERRA distributor)
#加入doTERRA多特瑞會員(全球國際)Enroller ID(Sponson id)介紹人號碼請填1113775
#中国大陸市場入會申請成為顧客,如何了解到dōTERRA(How to know dōTERRA),朋友的PC顾客编号請填00173262
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